Dallas Startup Weekend 2 (And L.A., too)

By Startup Lawyer

Dallas Startup Weekend 2 – April 16 to April 18

Dallas Startup Weekend 2 is only 9 days away and will be held at Company Dallas (1701 N. Collins Blvd, Richardson, TX 75080). Register for Dallas Startup Weekend 2 here.

I’ll be speaking at Dallas Startup Weekend along with Steven Thrasher, Matt Himelfarb, Tiffany Sunday, Cameron Gawley. I’m tentatively scheduled to speak Friday night, but I think I’ll push it to Saturday or Sunday so I can clear the way for the Friday night pitches.

The official Dallas Startup Weekend 2 pre-party is at CoHabitat, a coworking facility located in Uptown Dallas. Register for the pre-party here (it’s free, but let’s give Cohabitat an estimated head count). Cohabitat is located at 2517 Thomas Avenue, Dallas, Tx 75201. Pre-Party starts at 6pm on Thursday April 15. Please note that CoHabitat’s only dress code is no suits.

Los Angeles Startup Weekend – April 30 to May 2

I’ll also be in Santa Monica for Los Angeles Startup Weekend which will be held at CoLoft (920 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, CA . Register for L.A. Startup Weekend here.

I’ll be speaking at L.A. Startup Weekend along with Sean Percival, Scott Sangster, Andy Wilson, Wil Schroter, and Mark Suster. I’ll be speaking Saturday afternoon.

I’m excited to head out to L.A. as I am a Trojan, grew up in SoCal, and spent plenty of time courting my better half in Santa Monica. Also, my college roommate will be participating so I’ll get to see if he learned anything from all his computer science books that served as decorations, doorstops, and furniture at our apartment.

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