Real talk. Service providers like startup lawyers aren’t exactly the crowd favorites at startup events and have a hard time fitting in with the crowd. For the past year or so, every time I’m about to enter a startup event Kid Cudi‘s “Embrace the Martian” song pops into my head.
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Startup Weekend Dallas 3 is set to take place November 12th-14th. Whether you have a full-time job or are a co-founder in a current startup, Startup Weekend Dallas 3 will be a great way to engage with the local startup scene. The Event Startup Weekend Dallas 3 will open Friday
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Dallas Idea Week is taking place next week. There’s a list of events too long to individually list on this blog, but you can check them out here. Be sure to check out the CoHabitat + TEDxSMU Mobile Salon October 12th @ 6pm and the launch of Digital Dallas October
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“What bet did you lose?” “Did we get sued?” “Who died?” These are some of the wisecracks I get from startup clients when I show up to their office wearing a suit. And since most of my clients wear flip-flops to work, I probably should know better than to wear
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It’s been a pretty busy summer and with the football season fast approaching, becoming more productive during the week is crucial. Thus, I bought a laptop exercise bike for my office from FitDesk. I gave it a test cycle and it was pretty sturdy, and most importantly, it was quiet.
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The first Startup Weekend Austin is set for the weekend of September 10-12th and will take place at CoSpace. I’ll be one of the Friday night speakers. What: Startup Weekend Austin Where: CoSpace, 911 West Anderson Lane #203, Austin, TX 78757 When: September 10th at around 5pm (the pitches will
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Most, if not all, startups desire mentorship from those that have “been there before.” But have you thought of doing some mentoring yourself? The Big Brothers/Big Sisters program is (always) in need of mentors… especially male mentors. Boys routinely wait over a year for for a big brother match. When
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Tech Wildcatters will be showcasing their first graduating class of startups July 29th @ 1pm. Location: The Magnolia – 3699 McKinney Avenue, Dallas TX Program: 1:00pm — Welcome and Introduction to Tech Wildcatters 1:30pm — Keynote by Charlie Feld 2:15pm — Break 2:30 pm — Presentations by the TechWildcatters Class:
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For the past 2 years, Dallas Startup Happy Hour has hosted thousands of entrepreneurs who have made connections and even formed startups out of the event. Now it is time to mix it up and provide even more value to the Dallas startup community: New Venue: ShopSavvy’s new facility in
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Startup Happy Hour is held the first Monday of every month and is open to all Dallas – Fort Worth area startup founders, startup employees, investors, and people thinking about doing a startup. The free drinks are an added perk. As a courtesy to everyone in attendance, we ask service
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