Acceleration Book Update – 1 Month

By Startup Lawyer

I wanted to give a brief update on the launch of my new startup law book. The book was launched March 5, 2019 and on the very next day…I left for a family vacation on the other side of the world. So, no real marketing push other than a blog post and a LinkedIn update.

But the book still did well the first week, selling ~700 books and achieving Amazon Best Seller status in various categories like business law, corporate law, law, contracts law, knowledge capital, and #1 new release in venture capital, finance, and law.

It took a Roberts to dethrone Robert’s Rules of Order….

I didn’t write the book for #’s or “lists” but certainly was a pleasant surprise. The numbers and lists surprised the publisher who thought I might do 30% of my actual first week total.

In the coming months I’ll likely start promoting the book, with a few local events coming up.


Startup Law doesn’t have to be a confusing maze. The practical knowledge in "Acceleration: What All Entrepreneurs Must Know About Startup Law" will help you make the smart decisions to protect your startup and its future. Available in ebook and hardcover.

Buy the Book on Amazon
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