Dallas Startup Happy Hour 2.0

By Startup Lawyer

For the past 2 years, Dallas Startup Happy Hour has hosted thousands of entrepreneurs who have made connections and even formed startups out of the event. Now it is time to mix it up and provide even more value to the Dallas startup community:

New Venue: ShopSavvy’s new facility in the North Tower of the Campbell Center (I’ve seen the plans for the new ShopSavvy facility and they are certified “sweet”.)

New Date: Last Wednesday of the Month, starting October 27.

New Format: Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres, and a Speaker.

5pm – Cocktails, Food, and Networking
6pm – Program (Speaker)
630pm – Cocktails and Networking

Because of all the changes and improvements (and to get all future announcements regarding the speakers), we will all have to register on the newly created Meetup Site: Dallas Startup Happy Hour 2.0 Meetup

So take one minute and Register Now.


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