Advisor Stock Option Grants

One asset that startups should consider taking advantage of is advisors. Luckily for startups, advisors are prevalent and can be readily found through incubators, networking and/or personal contacts. The best advisors are in it to pay it forward or give back to the startup community. If you want to take

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Of Mice and Mentors

There are a ton of positives that mentors provide startups, as no one person innately has the skill set and/or experience to run a successful company. But if there is an incubator bubble, does that beget a mentor bubble? Mentors at incubators should be in it strictly to pay it

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Dealing with a Startup Creeper

Advisors are great for startups. They can provide your startup with guidance on a wide range of topics and typically take a seat on your startup’s advisory board. But sometimes a person who gives your startup infrequent, casual advice will broadcast to the world that he or she is an

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Startup-Advisor Dating

I get about 4 emails a week from law students and attorneys with questions about launching a law practice. It’s an awkward and humbling experience for me. I’m not a law practice management expert and several years ago I had many of these same questions. But I try to answer

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