Every Situation is Unique When Choosing an Entity

By Incorporation

When starting a business, probably the biggest early decision an individual will make is which form of organization is best for his (or her!) business operations. Unfortunately, there is no formula nor book at Barnes & Noble that can magically determine the ‘best’ entity for your startup company.

A complex web of tax and nontax variables must be considered while balancing both the current and future. And like a snowflake, every startup’s situation is unique. Be sure to truly contemplate this decision and consider speaking with a professional…or else you run the risk of cutting too big a corner on your first big decision.


Startup Law doesn’t have to be a confusing maze. The practical knowledge in "Acceleration: What All Entrepreneurs Must Know About Startup Law" will help you make the smart decisions to protect your startup and its future. Available in ebook and hardcover.

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