Prevention Always Makes Cents

By Startup Issues

A recent Wall Street Journal article detailed the steps you should take to avoid collection problems when expanding your business across state lines. The article suggested prevention was by far the best defense.

I believe that’s right, but I’ll make a much broader statement: Prevention is the best defense for any potential business problem.

As a former and current entrepreneur, I realize that choosing your logo bug, typeface, and web 2.0 colors are much more exciting than ensuring your office space lease and other contracts reflect the terms and protections you desire. But shouldn’t you spend just as much time, if not more, on your legal rights than fiddling with a pantone color book?


Startup Law doesn’t have to be a confusing maze. The practical knowledge in "Acceleration: What All Entrepreneurs Must Know About Startup Law" will help you make the smart decisions to protect your startup and its future. Available in ebook and hardcover.

Buy the Book on Amazon
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