You Can’t Hit a Home Run Unless You Step Up to the Plate

By Startup Issues

Judging by the recent spike of emails and calls, more of you are considering diving into the startup world. I think this is the perfect time to do so. And no, I haven’t been in a coma the last month or two. There is tremendous opportunity now. But rather than hear it from me, hear it from a startup CEO that is currently knocking it out of the park.

I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging emails and tweets with Shafqat Islam, co-founder of NewsCred. I already liked Shafqat because he gets on the wheelz of steel, but I was more excited to see his post regarding the current situation for startups on NewsCred’s blog:

“10 Reasons This is the Best Time to Build a Startup”

It’s a motivating article for those wanting to launch a startup, but are concerned about the current global economic crisis. Check it out.


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