(Apparently) The Startup Lawyer is worth $2,340,000

By Startup Lawyer

I thought I’d take Younoodle’s Startup Predictor for a test drive and therefore I had it value this blog. Younoodle is an online entrepreneur community and its “Startup Predictor” estimates what a startup company’s value will be in 3 years. (Hey if blog networks are getting VC funding, this blog is practically a “startup.”)

I had to fill out a somewhat lengthy questionnaire to get the valuation estimate. The questions seemed to be heavily focused on the education and experience of the startup’s team. Of course, it’s proper to do that since the team implements the startup’s idea (and ideas alone are worthless). But I felt that questions about revenue, market segments, web traffic, etc., were either not asked or asked without detail.

In the end, the Startup Predictor estimated that this blog would be worth $2,340,000 in November 2009 (as I started this blog in November 2006). If that’s the case, I have a lot of work to do.


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