Dallas Idea Week October 11-17

By Startup Lawyer

Dallas Idea Week is taking place next week. There’s a list of events too long to individually list on this blog, but you can check them out here.

Be sure to check out the CoHabitat + TEDxSMU Mobile Salon October 12th @ 6pm and the launch of Digital Dallas October 14th @ 6pm.

Idea Week is a grassroots effort by the producers of TEDxSMU and some of Dallas’ leading social enterprises and individuals to showcase some of the most new and exciting conversations occurring in Dallas.

Designed to extend the TED experience and philosophy of spreading ideas worth sharing, Idea Week features more than 25 events, most of which are free and open to the public or streamed live online, as a lead-in to the second annual TEDxSMU. Idea Week’s inaugural year is 2010. An event of this magnitude being conceived and launched within three months on a $1,000 budget lives its own mission to reflect a new order of thinking and doing.

More ideas, inspiration and information at dallasideas.org and @ideaweek.


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