Startup Lawyer Dress Code

By Startup Lawyer

“What bet did you lose?”
“Did we get sued?”
“Who died?”

These are some of the wisecracks I get from startup clients when I show up to their office wearing a suit. And since most of my clients wear flip-flops to work, I probably should know better than to wear dress shoes to their office.

But I’ve been wearing fewer suits. In fact, I just completed a “no suit summer” at my office. Mere coincidence that this summer was legendary? I think not.

While some suits are Seersuckers, all suits are creativity-suckers. In the last 25 years, nothing of substance was invented while wearing a suit.

Although, I bet mortgage-backed securities were invented by someone wearing a suit. We could probably replace over 300 pages of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Bill with a simple “No Suit” policy for the financial sector:

I’m a bit of a hypocrite because I’m wearing a suit and tie in my website photos. I really need to get one of those “chillin’, but professional” headshots with a dress shirt or blazer/dress shirt combo and replace the current photos on this site.

If you feel uncomfortable with your lawyer wearing a suit around you, I’d just tell him or her. I wouldn’t expect any objections.


Startup Law doesn’t have to be a confusing maze. The practical knowledge in "Acceleration: What All Entrepreneurs Must Know About Startup Law" will help you make the smart decisions to protect your startup and its future. Available in ebook and hardcover.

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