Startup Weekend Dallas

By Startup Lawyer

Dallas_Startup_WeekendStartup Weekend is coming to Dallas the weekend of November 20-22 at the Big in Japan offices at the INFOMART. I’m one of the local organizers, so I’ll keep you updated as we get closer to the event. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, ping me.

What is Startup Weekend?

Startup Weekend is a 54 hour startup event that provides the networking, resources, and incentives for individuals and teams to go from idea to launch. Get connected with local developers, innovators and entrepreneurs. Build Community. Start Companies. No Talk. All Action.

Who should come to Startup Weekend?

Startup Weekend targets the top talent from all walks of life in the local entrepreneurial community and put them in a setting where anything is possible. In the past 2 years, 250+ startups have started, 9,000+ entrepreneurs have been inspired, many teams have started to generate revenue during the 54hr event. Others have even gone on to direct angel and VC investment. None of these stats take into account the amazing networking, ongoing professional relationships, and amazing experience that happens at every event.

Startup Weekend recruits a highly motivated group of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more to a 54 hour event that builds communities, companies and projects.

What’s Special about Startup Weekend Dallas?

Startup Weekend is excited to announce its partnership with The Kauffman Foundation as a featured event for Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) this year. Last year GEW orchestrated 25,022 events in 77 countries with 3 million attendees and hundreds of millions reached through PR initiatives. Only 10 of those 25,022 events receive “featured” event status. Those 10 are the ones GEW pushes through the mainstream media and their extensive social networks in 77 countries. Startup Weekend is proud to have been chosen as one of those 10 events! This is an amazing opportunity for the Startup Weekend Community and its partners to gain even more visibility worldwide.

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For more information about Startup Weekend, visit or for more information specific to Startup Weekend Dallas check out Or you can go ahead and buy your tickets now.


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