Virgin Money

I heard about Virgin Money last week and I finally got the chance to take a look around last night. Basically, Richard Branson’s Virgin US investment firm acquired a majority stake in CircleLending, a venture that helps manage loans between family and friends. In typical Virgin fashion, they re-branded CircleLending

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Fixed Fees: A Must Have When You Hire a Law Firm

Lawyers and their law firms are increasingly making fixed fee or “project pricing” available to their clients. This is especially true for startup company clients, as they typically have well-defined legal issues and needs. There are 3 main reasons why your startup company should have a fixed fee arrangement with

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Funding Your Buy-Sell Agreement For All Scenarios

Before you execute a buy-sell agreement, make sure that you have adequately funded it. To adequately fund your buy-sell agreement, take each event that would trigger your buy-sell agreement (death, disability, retirement, etc.) and ask yourself “If this event happened tomorrow, would there be enough available funds to purchase the

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Which Type of Entrepreneur are You? is running a series called “America’s Best Colleges For Entrepreneurs.” One of its feature articles is titled Is it smart to go to school for entrepreneurship? in which 9 entrepreneurs tell their story about how taking classes affected their businesses. The 9 different types of entrepreneurs profiled are: -The

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