The billable hour. Ugh. I don’t like it, and I’m pretty sure you don’t like it either. The good news is that the bandwagon for murdering the billable hour is gaining more members every week. I came across an article about how a partner at a very large firm just
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There’s a lot of talk about down rounds now in the venture capital industry since valuations are down. So I suspect a lot of venture-backed companies are dusting off their Series A Preferred Share Agreements and taking a look at the anti-dilution provisions held by their investor(s). But should your
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The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) released its annual “Predictions Survey.” The NVCA conducted the survey in the last 3 weeks and received more than 400 responses. As you might suspect, it looks like a tough year for VCs and startups alike. I took a look at the survey and
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Recently I have been asked a lot of questions regarding nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) and investors, either angel or venture capital. I previously wrote my thoughts on trying to drop NDAs on venture capital firms in “Why a VC Will Take a Lighter to Your NDA.” And yesterday, Guy Kawasaki echoed
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Connie Loizos of Private Equity Hub interviewed Bob Ackerman, co-founder of Allegis Capital, regarding the current state of the VC industry. Ackerman made a few quasi-dire statements for both startups seeking capital and firms looking to provide capital, most notably: In response to the current state of Series A pre-money
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I suspect more of these “startup blows millions” stories will be surfacing in the coming months, but a story in today’s SF Chronicle might be hard to top. “How ‘Visionary’ Raised – and Lost – a Fortune” details how John P. Rogers, founder of Pay By Touch(a biometric authentication technology
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If you pay any attention to TechCrunch or Venturebeat, you’ll see stories titled “Startup Raises $X Million in Y-round Financing.” When the “Y” in story is a large number, do not assume that the startup company is tanking. Instead, the startup could be gaining momentum and approaching positive cash flow…but
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Getting a term sheet from an investor is like getting an invitation to the Prom in January–you’ve got a long way to go before you dance. When you get a term sheet from a VC or angel investor, you need to decide whether the economics of the deal feel right.
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The election is over and thankfully so are those robotic “vote for prop 98c(ii) or else your head will explode and dolphins will die” phone calls. However, some large institutions wish they were getting those calls instead of the capital calls from various venture firms. VentureBeat and Private Equity Hub
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