Announcing Roberts Foster LLP

I’ve been told by my board of directors (i.e., my wife) and various clients that I should blog more often. I figured the best way to do that was to bring on additional personnel at my day job. So I’ve done just that with the formation of Roberts Foster LLP.

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Glorified Employees

Standard seed financing terms have moved beyond the boundaries of the Bay Area, but they haven’t completely reached all parts of the globe. Of course seed investors should look to protect their investment, but some seed investors (whether in Dallas or Denmark) may look at your startup as a ‘distressed

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Accelerator Documents for Startups Should Be Easy

Documents in the startup ecosystem evolve. For example, convertible note documents are more complex now compared to 5 years ago (e.g., price caps and price cap regulators). Most of the evolution has to do with real-world experiences of investors and startups. Other times complexity can be chalked up to “deal

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Tech Wildcatters Pitch Day 2013

Tech Wildcatters has just announced a new location for their 2013 Pitch Day. Pitch Day 2013 will be held on Thursday, May 23 from noon to 3pm (Dallas Texas Time) at the Granada Theater. Prior Pitch Days were held at the Magnolia, but due to demand, Pitch Day 2013 will

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The Rolling Close

Unlike Series A Rounds, most seed rounds of financing don’t have all investors fund their investment on the same date. Sometimes it’s a matter of logistics for investors, but mostly it’s because the startup is continuously identifying and pitching potential angel investors to join in the seed round. The startup

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Price Cap Liquidation Preference Windfall Regulators

Most convertible notes have a price cap as a feature term. Depending on the delta between the price cap and the pre-money valuation of the qualified equity financing, the convertible note investors could receive a windfall in terms of liquidation preference. That is, the investor’s liquidation preference could exceed its

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Convertible Note Transaction Documents

It’s a common misconception that the ‘convertible note’ is the only legal document used in a convertible debt financing. I often receive emails from entrepreneurs asking for a ‘sample convertible note’ which I assume they are planning to use on their own. In addition to the convertible note, a startup

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