Judging by the recent spike of emails and calls, more of you are considering diving into the startup world. I think this is the perfect time to do so. And no, I haven’t been in a coma the last month or two. There is tremendous opportunity now. But rather than
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An often overlooked aspect of filing a certificate of incorporation is determining how many shares of authorized stock should the new corporation authorize at incorporation. This decision doesn’t really matter to most businesses (I don’t have a clue how many shares I authorized when I incorporated my law firm), but
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I’m often contacted by lawyers for advice about going solo or how to start a law firm. In the legal world, going solo is the equivalent of quitting your day job and launching your startup full-time. So I’m dedicating this blog post to provide some background about how I launched
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I could use more palm trees here in Dallas and while I’m at it a Togo’s. However, the “City of Angels” reference in this post’s title is about bridging the gap between entrepreneurs and angel investors rather than going “Under the Bridge.” The startup ecosystem in Dallas is discombobulated if
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When should a founder be replaced as CEO of a venture-backed company? The topic is obviously a touchy one for a startup founder that brought early success to a company. But while a founder might have been successful leading the startup to a funding event, can the founder also lead
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This morning was my son’s first day of school and he was extremely excited to get going. In fact, he would have ran across the street to his school without looking if I hadn’t stopped him. His elation overtook his ability to evaluate peril. This reminded me of how entrepreneurs
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I had some free time this weekend and watched “Empire of the Sun” starring Christian Bale and John Malkovich. The movie came out in 1987, but I saw it for the first time Saturday. The premise of Empire of the Sun is that an aristocratic British child is separated from
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How to rick roll a venture capital firm with your startup company's pitch
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A few months ago, I was on a conference call with opposing counsel to negotiate a client’s deal. Things got a little heated (the only time I’ve ever experienced a hostile communication with another attorney) and eventually I got hung up on. I was about to call the attorney back
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I attended the Dallas Startup Happy Hour (sponsored by SpringStage) last night. This was the second time I attended but this one was especially great because I got to bring along one of my clients who is working full-time on his startup. He got a much-needed break from coding and
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