5 Signs Your Startup Jumped The Shark
How to know whether your startup company has reached the beginning of the end
How to know whether your startup company has reached the beginning of the end
Many entrepreneurs begin their startup as a sole proprietorship. Eventually, some sole proprietors desire to incorporate so they can reduce their personal liability and protect their personal assets. But the act of incorporating a going business does not, by itself, transfer the current business being conducted as a sole proprietorship
The Benefits of Moving Your International Startup to America for Venture Capital and Acquisitions
Venture Capital Firms. They won’t grant you a meeting. If you do get a meeting they won’t sign your nda. And you’ll be lucky if your startup gets any funding. Making matters worse, they could be about to commandeer federal grant money earmarked for small businesses like your startup. Federal
A new online marketplace for buying and selling companies officially launched this week: BizTrader.com. I believe BizTrader will be a strong competitor to the current company marketplace juggernaut, BizBuySell.com. Both BizTrader and BizBuySell charge customers monthly fees to list their business for sale starting at $39.95 per month for BizTrader
Many entrepreneurs worry that someone, whether a potential partner, a VC, or a boogeyman will steal their startup idea. If you are worried about having your startup idea “jacked,” I recommend you take a deep breath and relax a bit–your startup idea isn’t worth that much. Paul Graham, in an
You need to customize your articles of incorporation and corporate bylaws if you are serious about doing things the right way at your startup company. But be careful how you customize these important startup documents. Don’t fall into a common trap where you think you are customizing your startup documents,
If you can’t self-fund your startup company and must take on investors, keep the number of your investors as low as possible. A low number of investors will reduce your startup company’s transaction costs and headaches associated with raising funds. I’d rather my client raise $90k from one investor than